What Conditions & Pains Can Clinical Somatics Help?
Clinical Somatic Education & Essential Somatics® Movement are two ways in which Hanna Somatics can help with a wide range of conditions: CSE is individual, hands-on clinical work, while ES movement can be taught 1-2-1 or in group classes.
The areas of pain and conditions that can be helped include but not limited to:
‘Everyday’ aches & pains
Scoliosis (structural or functional)
Hip pain
SI joint pain
Piriformis syndrome
Knee pain
Foot pain including plantar fasciitis
Stroke recovery
Leg length discrepancy
TMJ/TMD pain
Relief from arthritis pain
Relief from bursitis pain
Many MUS (‘medically unexplained symptoms’)
Reduced flexibility & mobility
Dupuytrens contracture
Tension headaches
Back pain
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
Stress & anxiety
Shallow breathing
Thoracic outlet syndrome
RSI & carpal tunnel
Arm & wrist pain
Chronic muscle tension
Recovery from injuries & surgery
Chronic pain syndromes e.g. ME, fibromyalgia, & CRPS
Problems with posture & gait
If the pain or tension you feel hasn’t got a name or a formal diagnosis (or if it’s ‘medically unexplained’ or - as so often happens - is put down to age), that doesn’t matter.
What does matter is how you feel, and how your nervous system is a big part of that.
Want to learn more about how pain, posture problems and reduced flexibility develop? (Spoilers: it’s NOT ‘just your age’!) Watch my FREE video series, ‘The Truth About Pain - and how to get rid of it’ to learn more.
About much more than ‘treating’ an injury or condition - although that may be what brings you to it - Clinical Somatics opens up the possibility of truly transforming your relationship with how you experience yourself in the world - what you sense, how you move, what you understand about your own nervous system, & how aware & in command of your embodied self you can be.
When people first come to Clinical Somatics, they have often (like me) ‘tried everything’ and yet are still experiencing pain &/or restricted movement. It can be hard to move on from the feelings of defeat, and of pain. But Clinical Somatic Education offers a gentle, long-lasting way to move away from pain, & to rediscover the pleasure of being a living, breathing, moving ‘soma’ (mind-body) in the world!