How can I help YOU?
I can help you with stuck stress and stored trauma - especially when they are causing you physical discomfort and pain, including when you have been diagnosed with a ‘chronic pain’ condition or ‘medically unexplained symptoms’.
I can help with a wide range of physical complaints - including back pain, RSI, sore shoulders, neck pain, hip pain and many more . . .
The following are just some of what I’ve helped clients get rid of and keep away:
Back Pain
Neck pain
Tension headaches
Shoulder pain, including ‘frozen shoulder’
Stress & anxiety
Shallow breathing
Thoracic outlet syndrome
RSI & carpal tunnel
Arm & wrist pain, including carpal tunnel
Chronic muscle tension
Recovery from injuries & surgery
Chronic pain syndromes e.g. ME, fibromyalgia, & CRPS
Problems with posture & gait
‘Everyday’ aches & pains
Scoliosis (structural or functional)
Hip pain
SI joint pain
Piriformis syndrome
Knee pain
Foot pain including plantar fasciitis
Stroke recovery
Leg length discrepancy
TMJ/TMD pain
Relief from arthritis pain
Relief from bursitis pain
Many MUS (‘medically unexplained symptoms’)
Reduced flexibility & mobility
Dupuytrens contracture
If the pain or tension you feel hasn’t got a name or a formal diagnosis (or if it’s ‘medically unexplained’ or - as so often happens - is blamed on ‘your age’), that simply doesn’t matter. What does matter is how you feel, and how your nervous system is involved in causing your experiences of pain, stiffness, soreness and more.
Want to learn more about how pain, posture problems and reduced flexibility develop? (Spoilers: it’s NOT ‘just your age’!) Sign up for email updates (at the bottom of this page) to get access to my FREE video series, ‘The Truth About Pain - and how to get rid of it’ to learn more.
Whatever the feeling, whatever the problem, a Somatics approach informed by Clinical Somatics and Somatic Experiencing® works to help you feel more at ease in your own body, and more comfortable in your whole self.